The Universal Master Flash® has been made to fit most panel configurations on metal roofs. The flexibility of the sleeve absorbs vibration and pipe movement caused by expansion and contraction. The flashings are made of EPDM or High Temperature Silicone that is designed to maximize resistance to weathering due to the ozone and ultraviolet light. This product also offers easy on-site customization that can accommodate all normal installations.
Dark Gray, EPDM
#3 Universal Master Flash ®
Red, High Temperature Silicone
#1 Universal Master Flash ®
Universal Master Flash® Options
This fast, one-piece construction allows for easy on-site installation! Also, the base is specifically designed to form a seal on most panel configurations & roof pitches - regardless of pipe location! The flexibility on the sleeve absorbs vibration and pipe movement caused by expansion and contraction. The Retrofit design is also equipped to handle the maximum resistance to weathering from the ozone and ultraviolet light.
Dark Gray, EPDM
#1 Universal Retrofit Master Flash ®
Red, High Temperature Silicone
#3 Universal RetrofitMaster Flash ®
Universal Retrofit Master Flash® Options
Electrical Mast Connection (EMC) Master Flash®
This is specifically designed for the Residential Roofing Industry. There is a no hassle stainless steel gripper to secure retrofit application. The built in 20° degree pitch that allows adaptability to almost any roof pitch including 45° degrees.
Metal Roof Vent Sealing Adapter Multi-Flash Master Flash®
Applications: Turbine Vents, Roof Exhaust Fans, Metal Roof Vents, Roof Caps, Goose Neck Air Vents
This product has a stainless steel gripper and termination strips for retrofit applications included.
Box Gutter Expansion Joint Master Flash®
Applications: Transition Walls, Parapet Walls, Stepped Roof, Corrugated Metal Roofs, Roof Penetrations, Expansion Joint, Skylights
Gray EPDM linear flashing with flexible metal sides.
Thickness: 0.065"
Length: 50'
Available in 9", 12", and 18" widths
Part Numbers: LF067G9-50, LF067G12-50, LF067G18-50
Extreme Angle Master Flash®
These are specifically designed for Metal Roofing Industry. The built in 40° degree pitch allows it to handle any extreme roof pitch (35° - 65°), sleeve flexibility accommodates vibration and pipe movement caused by expansion and contraction. This also has easy on-site customization for all normal installations.
Standard Retrofit Square Master Flash®
This product is designed to be weather resistant against the effects of ultraviolet light and the ozone. It is also designed to conform to most panel configurations and roof pitches regardless of pipe location! The retrofit square is all equipped with easy installed aluminum fastener snaps,
Extreme Angle #1 Black EDPM
(Built in 10/12 pitch angle)
Standard Retrofit #1 Gray EPDM
Electrical Mast Connection Black EDPM
Metal Roof Vent Sealing Adapter Multi-Flash